Minnie Girl
You may have read the recent missive on the Borzoi bitch Minnie and her issues in the recent issue of NBRF She was adopted by us and has been given a slight name change, a 63 lb BORZOI should not be called Minnie. She's now called Minnie Girl. One of our great granddaughters is called Millie Girl by her grandfather who's our son. She's our 5th Borzoi and all were LGRA and Lure Coursers except for Minnie Girl. She's a bit too much on the senior side for that endeavor. She's also our first non Majenkir too. We love the Cartabona line of Borzoi. She's a bit on the timorous side for sure. However she has a nice live in companion a 12 year old AKC champion Saluki a distant Borzoi relative. We have a huge screen house that in the summer is frequently filled with friends enjoying adult beverages and the company of dogs including but not limited to Labradoodles, Cockapoos, 2 Yorkies and a Bernadoodle pup. (new one on us) MG really enjoys these times and the soul mates. Her relationship with our friends is very warm and she relishes sharing her shedding coat with everyone. She's 9 now and has pretty well settled in to our household. Her health is excellent, she's pretty fast and would likely have been a good Tally-Ho dog with appropriate training . She's also a big time smiler when she is on the run or very excited at feeding time. When we got her she was a bit overweight so we ratcheted down her food a bit (much to her chagrin) We feed by actual weight not volume, a mix of wet and dry. Our go fast dogs were fed raw, all done with that thank you very much. We do miss the excitement and fellowship of racing our hounds but age has caught with us and our dogs...sigh. One of her accomplishments is that she is a 5 Star counter shopper the Saluki is really good but MG puts her to shame
MG is certainly in the autumn of her life for a Borzoi, but she's in a loving home and is assuredly doing very well. She is a typical couch potato but couches are out of bounds here, she has a huge overstuffed Orvis bed that suits her perfectly and it's twin is in our bedroom. I've enclosed a picture of MG with the Saluki in the outdoor bed. She has a Martingale collar on which we left on for 3 months or so while she acclimated to our home. It's gone now, it's not our practice
to collar our dogs. The other one is Trish with MG in the screen house. Trish enjoys taking MG and the Saluki for walks with our neighbor Tina. Tina takes the Saluki and Trish MG. She is excellent on the lead and seems not to have that forceful prey instinct. We had a Vixen fox in our neighborhood who would pass within 10 feet of our screen house MG was not terribly interested maybe her past was the causal. Sadly someone killed the Vixen.