His Gotcha Day was January 31, 2017. We lost him on September 20, 2024
"We lost our sweet Weisshart (Viggo) last night, early this am. He was deaf, and mostly blind but a sweetie until the end, and we are all devastated. Those setbacks did not deter him from living life to the fullest. He was a special and unique boy who did not wave his tail like a banner but when happy he rolled it up and down like a party favor.. Some of the pictures of him are with his favorite ball, tail at the tope of the roll. He loved to be outside in every variety of weather but pouring rain. His favorite place to hang out when in the garden was the pond outside. He loved laying on his favorite bed outside surveying his kingdom. He had many friends and a good friend to all. His favorite place to be was with his special person but his friend, Game was a close second. He was deeply loved, a dear member of the family who will be sorely missed. He had a good heart, though in the end it was his heart that failed him. Such a gentleman and silly soul all in one. He and my daughter shared the same bed every night. Weiss adored her. We have five dogs here now, but the house has a strange, empty feel without Weiss being present. He will be forever missed. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to meet him, to help him, and to adopt him into our family. We are all the better for having known him."
It is a fact of life that all those that come into it will leave it and our animal friends...no matter how long they live..do not live long enough. It does not matter how many friends you are blessed with throughout your life. It never gets any easier saying goodbye. Thank you for entrusting this perfect soul into our care for these too short years. He enriched us, made us better people, and we in turn, adored him.
He was always happy about something.
Weiss’s littermates were Steve (originally Max), Scoobie, and Mila. DOB Nov. 2015.