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NBRF Rescue - Ruthie

"It was 8 years ago that we picked up Ruthie from her foster home. Ed & I had been wanting a Borzoi for awhile. I remember we stopped at an IN-N-Out to eat and got her a hamburger. I wanted to see if she knew any commands and I told her “sit” and “down” and she did them right away. I’m thinking I hit the jackpot, she has been worked with.

When we got home, she took to our rules like she has always lived with us. I then wanted to see if she had the temperament to be my Service dog. We had a Service dog trainer to come out to test her and she passed with flying colors. So I started to train her and she picked things up so quickly. She passed the AKC Good Citizenship test and what I needed from her to be my Service dog. She then started to come on our Disneyland trips with me and she helped me through them. She was a great ambassador for the Borzoi breed on our trips.

She also used to help our other Borzoi, Boris, with all the foster Borzoi that we have had. She made sure that a few of the Borzoi that wanted to have me be their person, that it was not going to happen. I was her person.

Ruthie has an amazing prey drive. She has a few rabbit kills and one time jumped in the air to catch a quail and killed it. The second night we had our new rescue, Sasha, Ruthie flushed out a rabbit and Sasha got the kill. Ruthie is now helping me train Sasha by being an example on what I want Sasha to do.

Ruthie has been my soulmate dog. In all the years that I have had dogs, there has been none like her."

This is what matters!! Thank you Nancy and Ed for allowing Ruthie to be Ruthie and live up to her full potential. She is a very special girl 🩷


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